Cash Envelope System
How is your saving habits going this year? Many people like to set up a plan to save some extra money when the new year starts. Here is a way to help you organize your savings. Do you have issues saving money for important items like groceries, gas, and emergencies? Each month or paycheck, there is a way to put money away for these items and more to help you out for when you need some extra cash. A great way to do save for specific items is by starting a cash envelope system. This system is designed to put cash towards necessities or fun in moderation. This system can work with your paycheck every two weeks or once a month. The first step is to make a list of the items that you need to budget for. Here are some ideas to get you going:- Groceries
- Eating out
- Doctor Visits
- Gas
- Beauty
- Groceries = $200.00
- Eating out = $50.00
- Doctor Visits = $50.00
- Gas = $75.00
- Beauty = $30.00
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